Equestrian Conversations: Nicole Brown

Equestrian Conversations: Nicole Brown

Posted by Sophie Peck on

Is it really Burghley Horse Trials already? To celebrate one of the most special shows in the eventing calendar we are delighted to bring you the latest instalment of our Equestrian Conversations Blog featuring equestrian commentator extraordinaire, Nicole Brown. 

We are delighted to present our Burghley special where we dive into the world of Eventing through the eyes of Nicole who helps to bring the 5* action to life through her enthusiastic and informed commentary. She also gives us an insight into her predictions for this year's Burghley. What Nicole doesn't know about evening isn't worth knowing! She has the most incredible attention to detail whilst commentating and captivates her audience with fascinating insights into the riders and their horses, all backed up with facts from the masterminds at Equiratings. Nicole gives us an insight into her life and career as a commentator, a podcaster with The Eventing Podcast and what she’s got in store for the future. 

Nicole lives in Nottinghamshire along with her husband Oliver and two sons, Toby and Benny. She has worked at some of the most prestigious events including Badminton and Burghley as well as the Event Rider Masters series, which is where G&G team member, Sophie, first got to know her. 

Join us as we explore the passion, expertise and dedication that have made Nicole such a well-regarded and much-loved voice of the equestrian world.

For those who don’t know you, tell us a bit about your background and where you grew up? 

Absolutely, I grew up in Oxfordshire and was completely pony mad. My pony was definitely my best friend! I got my first taste of eventing at Blenheim Horse Trials as my dad was the Livestock Manager at Blenheim Palace, and so that event is always very special to me. 

You are a such a well known voice in eventing now but where did this start and how did you end up with a career as a commentator? 

I rode all through my teens and absolutely loved eventing but I sold my horse when I finished my A-Levels. I wanted to stay involved in the sport somehow and happened to know one of the organisers of Winkburn Park Horse Trials, who offered to let me have a go at commentating. I absolutely loved it and knew that it was something I wanted to do so much more of. However I never dream't at the time that I could turn it into the career that I have now.

What’s been a highlight so far and have you got anything exciting in the pipeline that you can tell us about?! 

My highlight so far has to be the very first Burghley Horse Trials I worked on for the BBC. I was commentating alongside Mike Tucker and Ian Stark, two completely legendary and iconic eventing voices. I didn’t dare believe it was true until it actually happened. It was very special few time. 

Some of our readers might not be familiar with The Eventing Podcast, could you give us an insight into this and how it started? 

Absolutely! I became friends with Diarm Byrne and Sam Watson who are the co-founders of EquiRatings while we worked together on the Event Rider Masters Series. They had seen that there was a real gap in the market for previewing and reviewing events and asked if I’d like to be involved in a new podcast that they were working on.

It was at a time that podcasts were very much at the start of their popularity, and we have been amazed by the journey it’s taken us on. From three friends (plus guests) discussing eventing to an award-winning podcast with over four million unique listens worldwide! We now have lots of different shows, from the normal event preview and review shows to specialist interviews with the big-name riders, educational pieces and also the odd fun show that has very little to do with eventing! 

We know you’re a super Mum to two little boys, how do you find the juggle with your career and bringing up a young family? 

It’s tricky, the juggle is very real!! I try really hard to get the balance right and ultimately, I am a Mum first but it’s important to me to keep working and I am so fortunate to love my career. It’s all about trying to maintain a constant balance and I am sure something that most mums relate to.

The mum-guilt is something that I really feel. However, hopefully I will be a great role model for my children, encouraging them to follow their dreams. It is also important to me to inspire other young women who want to work in the industry as commentating has previously been very male dominated.   

I try to involve my family as much as possible and my youngest Benny was actually only 6 weeks old when I worked at Badminton Horse Trials this year. He came with me for the week and it was very special - I think he was definitely the most popular and well cuddled baby at Badminton! 

Tell us a bit about your lovely working spaniels and your involvement in country sports?

Meet Bertie! While we’ve always had family dogs, Bertie is the first dog of my own and I have absolutely no doubt that he is my dog of a lifetime. He is 7 year old Working Cocker Spaniel who was bred out of my sister-in-law's lovely bitch.
He’s a great worker; he loves going beating but will happily sit on a peg or pick up as well (although he does always send longing glances to the beating line!).  We also have Jack, another Working Cocker who is my husband, Oliver’s, dog and they are both wonderful family dogs. My eldest son, Toby (aged 5), absolutely adores them.  

I’ve always loved field sports and Oliver has been a keen shot his whole life but I only took up shooting myself just over a year ago. I’m very much a fan of the full circle that revolves around a day's shooting; from taking the shot, to my dog picking up the bird and then taking it home to prepare, cook and eat it.  

And lastly, in the lead up to Burghley can you give us a sneaky insight into who you think might be the ones to watch this year? 

The favourite has to be Ros Canter and Lordships Graffalo, he is the reigning European Champion and 2023 Badminton winner. It’s such a great opportunity to see him at Burghley as he is often on Championship teams and therefore doesn’t get the chance to compete at the 5*’s. I think it’s his to win and I’m very excited to see what he can do this year!

There are a couple of other big contenders and possible threats to Ros, including defending champion Oliver Townend who brings forward a lovely grey, Cooley Rosalent. They have form, winning the 5* in Kentucky earlier this year and Oliver has a huge amount of Burghley experience which will stand him in great stead.

Emily King and Valmy Biats are also in great form, they had top 5 finishes at Badminton and Aachen this year. He is a brilliant horse and Emily has a good amount of 5* experience under her belt now.

Tim Price is also up there, I think Vitali will be well in contention after the Dressage and Cross Country. The big question mark for him will be the Show Jumping but he’s had 5 top 10 finishes at 5* now and he’ll be well in the mix for another. 

If you’re looking for a couple of young guns or outsiders to keep an eye on this weekend, I think Mia Farley and Phelps, for the USA, will definitely be ones to watch in the Cross Country they have been inside the time at their two 5* starts. Also Lizzie Baugh, who is making her 5* debut on Be Exclusive. They had a couple of top 10 finishes at the 4*L level at Bramham and Blenheim Horse Trials last year. It is a big Burghley debut for them!

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