Equestrian Conversations: Lauren Kilpatrick

Equestrian Conversations: Lauren Kilpatrick

Posted by Sophie Peck on

Have you ever wondered how to get in the world of Side Saddle riding and what it is like to win at Windsor Horse Show while juggling a passion for eventing, trail hunting and teaching others? 

Our latest interviewee for our blog Countryside Conversations, all-round equestrian and G&G Brand Ambassador, Lauren Kilpatrick gives us an insight into her horsey world and details how she balances her myriad of equestrian passions. Lauren’s equestrian journey started at a very early age, having been put on a pony before she could walk! She currently has two lovely geldings to compete, Barry and Rebel, both of whom are flourishing into successful horses under Lauren’s careful guidance. She lives in Nottinghamshire with her husband and runs an equestrian centre with her parents offering livery, coaching and schooling. She is a talented and versatile rider who has a wealth of equestrian knowledge and experience across a wide range of disciplines. 

We have loved following Lauren’s story over the years since first meeting at Blenheim Horse Trials in 2018, where she was part of the A Bit on the Side Saddle display team alongside fellow G&G Brand Ambassador Chloe Marsh. Lauren and Chloe always come to see us at shows and it is always a highlight. We are so proud to have Lauren as part of the G&G team and to introduce her properly to you all in this interview.  

A life surrounded by horses.

What is your earliest riding memory and have horses always been part of your life? 

I am very lucky that horses have always been part of my life. My Mum bought my first pony before I was even born! She had backed him for a friend of hers and then fell in love. He stayed with us until he died aged 24 and having taught many children in our riding school. I have many happy memories of my childhood whether it was pottering around our yard with help from the older girls, going to local shows or most fondly of my Mum running as fast she could with me on the lead rein in gymkhana games at the local riding club.

We know you mainly compete in Eventing and Side Saddle; what sparked your interest into these avenues of equestrianism? Do you have any advice to people wanting to give either discipline a go? 

I started both eventing and side saddle when I was 14. My first taste of eventing came through the pony club and unaffiliated competitions which in my opinion is the best place start. My Mum didn’t do much Eventing but was more experienced in Show Jumping, Dressage and Side Saddle so the Eventing was new to us both. We brought a little piebald pony Ashton Flight (Finbarr to his friends) together and he turned out to be a complete legend. We won our first event at the Atherstone Pony Club ODE and it was after then that I officially caught the bug! We progressed from 90cm to Novice in one season and then attempted the BE JRN classes (now under 18). This pony was such a legend, I also did my first season of side saddle on him in the same year after seeing my Mum and another lady on our yard doing it. 

He was an amazing horse for me and you might have seen him in many of my photos, in particular those with fellow G&G Ambassador Chloe Marsh and her piebald ‘Cow Pony’. We had great success in our first year of Side Saddle together taking the Novice Juniors title. We progressed up through the levels and eventually took the Open rider of the year title twice! Even since Fin has retired, I have been lucky enough to go on to win the title twice more on different horses, it’s always such an honour to win such a prestigious award. 

My advice for anyone wanting to get started in Side saddle would be to just give it a go! If you have a look on the Side Saddle Association website and find your area, contact the area representatives and find somewhere you can try it, this can either with your own horse or on a schoolmaster. At our yard in Nottingham I teach side saddle on our horses and lots of my clients progress to trying it on their own horses. 

The thing I love most about both disciplines is the people. Everyone is so incredibly helpful and just wants to see you have a good time!

Did you always want to pursue a career in horses? If you had not chosen horses, what other career paths interested you? 

When I had finished Sixth Form aged 18 I spent a year as a working pupil at an event yard. I would love to say I had a fantastic time, but it was definitely not the lifestyle for me. I learnt an incredible amount, but it decided it wasn’t the lifestyle for me and not something I wanted to have as a career at that time. 

 I am a very creative person, and after going on a short shoe making course, I decided to go to University in 2015 to study Footwear Design. The University I chose was only ½ an hour away by train so I could carry on riding while I studied! I completed both a Batchelor of Arts degree and a Master of Arts degree in Footwear Design. My final design for the Masters Degree was designing a new type of riding boot which would aid the riders performance as well as looking classically stylish. I did, for a time, consider working in fashion, but the pull of horses was too strong! 
Covid hit shortly after I had graduated in January 2020 so I moved back home to help my Mum out at the yard (we had 19 horses in at the time) and I’m still there now. For a short while I set up my own business called Pogo Footwear, selling handmade shoes and leather goods whilst I was also working at the yard.

Eventually I made the move to focus solely on horses but aspire to complete my riding boot design one day!


Tell us a bit about your current horses and how you manage to juggle the yard, schooling other people’s horses and riding your own?!  

I currently have 4 horses; two lovely young horses and two golden oldies.. Finbarr (24) is fully retired now after he sustained a field injury and Pogo (16) retired from eventing after a tendon injury. He now teaches people the ropes of side saddle and he has two lovely loaners who both compete him. Pogo (The Aviator) is only 15.1hh and he took me to Intermediate level Eventing and really was the horse who made me believe in myself and that I could push for the higher levels. We moved up the levels together, starting at 90 and competing at the grassroots champs in the 100 on our way up the ladder! 

My two younger boys are Barry and Rebel. Ashton Barry is my lovely grey roan who I compete in both side saddle and eventing. He’s currently Eventing at Novice level and I won the side saddle Rider of The Year title in 2023 on him. We bought him as a just backed 4-year-old from Ireland. He’s now rising 8 years old and is proving himself to be a lovely boy. He also has a lovely lady who part loans him to do side saddle on, which helps to lessen my workload slightly! CFH Farewell Rebel is the baby of the bunch. He is rising 6 years old this year and he is still very much learning his trade. We bought him as an unbacked 3-year-old when he hadn’t long been over from Ireland. I backed him with my Mum and we have been blown away by his brain, talent and attitude. He’s definitely not easy, but very rewarding. He is currently eventing at 90/100, but I have high hopes for him in the future!  

Alongside my own riding and yard work I have lots of lovely clients who I teach and ride horses for. I manage to juggle everything by being super organised with my day-to-day planning, and then I have two whiteboards that I use to plan out the weeks, months and year ahead. I need to be super flexible especially if I want to squeeze in some training or competing, I must fit in my other commitments around this which can be hard work but worth it! We are a close-knit family and between myself, my Mum and my Dad we run the yard together. We have a lovely bunch of liveries who help to make the job pretty easy! 

The 2024 season so far

What are your competition plans looking like for this season? 

I’m really hoping that this year will be Rebels year to shine! I’ve got some big goals for us both which I’d love to achieve but I’m mindful not to rush him as he’s still young and really special. I’d love to head up to Blair Horse Trials and compete in the CCI 1* as it’s the last year that they’re running so that is a current goal. Rebel will focus mainly on Eventing with some Show Jumping and Dressage thrown in along the way. Barry will mainly focus on Side saddle this year, competing with both myself and Helen his sharer. I am hoping to get to some shows with the costume classes. I try and support all our area 12 shows too. Barry will also event this year at 100/Novice level alongside the side saddle. Autumn is his favourite time of the year as we get back into hunting which he really enjoys. I’d really love to get a side saddle team chasing team together! 
Tell us about your win at Windsor a few weeks ago, what class were you competing in and who were you riding? 

This was my first trip to Royal Windsor for the two side saddle classes held on the Sunday. They run both a Concours d’Elégance and a Costume Concours d’Elégance class. In both classes the judge is looking for the most elegant combination however in the costume class there is a more in depth look at the actual outfit itself. There was a quick turnaround in between so I could change from my costume to classic dress. I only acquired my costume last year so this was my first chance to wear it. I was riding my lovely 8yo ISH Ashton Barry, he is a striking dark grey roan and looked a picture. We came a very respectable 4th out of 15 in the costume class against some beautiful outfits and combinations. We then went into the classic dress Concours class, and he was foot perfect, not missing a beat.

He was pulled in at the top of the line and then went onto do a flawless show which helped us hold onto the top spot. We won a lovely big sash! It was a big class with 14 other competitors, so I was very proud of him especially as he is still fairly new to showing. We predominately event him but I’m looking forward to getting him out to do more side saddle this year.


Working with G&G

We were delighted when you joined us as a Brand Ambassador in 2023. What are your favourite G&G items? And what drew you towards the brand? 

I have been shopping at Glaze and Gordon for many years. My first purchase was at Burghley Horse Trials back in 2019 when I bought the gorgeous Enville belt, which is still going strong 5 years later! I especially love all the leather goods that G&G stock, they are all such super quality and look fantastic even after many years of use. I also have the G&G Classic Breastplate which is beautifully made, and I use it every day. And it looks great on all my horses! I also have a pair of the Pravins wide stirrup leathers which I’ve had for 3 years, and they don’t show any signs of wear even though I use them regularly. There are such an innovative and clever design that really does help your lower leg position! Having studied design at University I can really appreciate the balance needed to create a product that is beautiful and classic with such an innovative design.

The ethos at Glaze and Gordon is something that really resonated with me when I first came across the company and met Becs. Everything they stock is beautifully made and fit for its job as well as being a little bit different! It’s one of the reasons I am so proud to be supported by them, there aren’t many companies that have such a great taste!

Equestrian Conversations

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